Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hon:My Dear Friend Abdillahi M Dualeh.

True Story It Happened this Year January,2006.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Somaliland Republic.

I am hoping you are doing fine and wishing all Somalilander's the best. Allah ma'akum in the quest of searching recognition,
for our beloved mother Somaliland. Let me tell you this is a true story that happened last week and it's a message from God to you all seeking recognition for Somaliland.

It happened here in Toronto, Canada... to freind of mine his name is Ahmed Boss Artan he's Dhulbahante, Naleye Ahmed the last time he saw Erigabo, Somaliland he was 8 ears old. Pro Abdillahi Yusuf and Somaliwayn. While he was on vacation in Canada he dreamed one night a week ago and he told us this story that in Addis Ababa the O.A.U. Headquarters a summit was called for all African Foreign Ministers to come and meet for an urgent meeting to discuss the latest situation of Somalia's continues and endless crises after all option failed including with African peace force.

They sat down finally and talked the next option for hours, so they debated and argued how to solve the current Somalia crises and they put this motion on the table that all Western Countries want Somaliland to be recognized once and for all no conditions attached to it. We ve been always putting all Somalia on one basket knowing the Southern part is hell on Earth, and the Northern part is calm and peaceful, let us not wait anymore the fact speaks for itself. The whole world Knows and we know why are we keeping them attached, let's deal with the troubled South on their soil and territory let the Amercan's and Italian interfare and deal with them.

Now the Somalilanders can do their things accordingly and proceed with the developing nations they 've done something that other african Governments can not do it, in order to do that it needs remarkable and extra ordinery acheivement willing to progress and they have done it.

Now the Motion was in the table and once the preceeding started and the voting was a secret pallot the Somalia Representative in Addis Ababa and The Foreign Minister of Somalia were shaken repeatedly they asked the Chairman we will go out and don't want to listen this crap. Anyway the Motion started and the Votes were done in their secret boxes it was counted some Arab states in Africa shouting and argueing we will walk out but still the Final votes counted and announced ladies and gentlemen Honorable Minister and Delegate of African State Members of O.A.U here is the result.

YEEEE's 38

NEEEE's 11

Obstain 3

The total Votes registered to Victories and the Birth of a new Nation was announced in the Continental of Africa called Somaliland Republic Welcome on Board Mr Minister Now Somaliland Republic is The New Member of African Union O.A.U. Please welcome to the Microphone and the clapping started load and longer than anticipated ( That's to Mr Boss's statement according to his interpretations of the Dream). I share that with the Somaliland Minister of Foriegn Affairs via E mail, the President of Somaliland Via Email and i discussed and told the Somaliland Economic advsor Mr Omar Hussein during his Visit in Toronto.

Finally the Minister came to Podium exremely Enthusiastic and overwhelmed by the Votes the welcoming reception and gratitude of the African delegates.
He shouted load to Microphone...

First of all Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
The Arabs run out of the hall, he remembers them well Egypt and Sudan and the man
(Mr Boss) woke up frantically yelling and Shouting No, No, No it's impossible.
and he told us you guys why are you giving the African's Money that's the only language they know. I told him it's England and tha U.S. who paid them definitely not us we told him. The Petroleum Companies are behind them may be it's about time...
God knows.

Omer Hussein The President's Advisor of Economic Development and the Gentleman will sit together without the man knowing the reason or why we are here together with him. That's for testimonial and for the record. unforgunetly Omer left before he saw the guy.

If the Demontrations and the Door knocking Continues the recognition will be closer than ever imagined.
Let's sail with the waves this is journey is closing to the end and the ocean is big but we made it home, hopefully now this will trigger the end of the struggle.

You have been there since day one you deserve this more than anyone else keep on fighting you are blessed with a bigger rewarding. Somaliland Victory Campaign 2008.
Double touch the up-coming elections and you will be recognized.

You have cutting Knife with double cutting egde.(waxaad sidataa Mindi laba aflay ah).

God blessed Somaliland and Somalilander's are Victorious.

A/Nasir M Abdilleh (Six).

Kalkaal Sida.
Toronto, Canada.

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