Wednesday, December 5, 2007

United States Current Relation with Somaliland

The United states currently engages with the Somaliland administration and has provided assistance, for example to the election effort for policy on recognition is to allow the African Union to first deliberate on the question. We do not want to get ahead to the continental Organization on an Issue of such importance.
As indicated in the full quote above, the United States continues to engage with the administration in Somaliland on a range of issues, most directly Somaliland's continued
progress towards democratization and Economic development.

In fiscal year 2007 United States provided a total of 1.5 million through International
Republic Institute to support training for parliamentarians and other key programs for preparations for the upcoming municipal and presidential elections in Somaliland.

We expect to provide an additional 1.5 million in continued support for the democratization process in Somaliland following the elections.

While we continue to engage with the Somaliland administration, we do believe that the African Union is the Most appropriate forum to address the question of recognition of Somaliland as an independent State.
We understand that Somaliland is pursuing bilateral dialogue with African Union and it's member states in this regard.

However, as the African Union continues to deliberate on the issue, the United states
will continue to engage with all actors throughout Somalia, including Somaliland, to support the return of lasting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

Fact Sheet
Bureau for African Affairs
Washington, D.C.

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