Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Women's network for candidates in Somaliland's upcoming elections

Written by Qarannews
Dec 19, 2007

Burao(Qaran)- A seminar which brought together 30 women from the Sanaag and Togdheer region to discuss the role of women in the political arena in Somaliland has concluded after two days.
The seminar which was conducted jointly by Negaad and HBF, which are two large women's organisation in Somaliland provided a platform for prospective political candidates from the three Somaliland parties to discuss issues that they will face in the upcoming elections. Issues which include but aren't limited to gender under-representation, education and role of women in Somaliland's political landscape.

Nimco Ismail Ibrahim who is the head of the Negaad Development programme gave a brief at the end of the seminar to encourage the participants to take a more active role in the political arena in Somaliland and to learn from past events, so that women, who are the majority in Somaliland should have a bigger role in the development of the country.

One of the main outcome of the meeting was the proposal to set up a network for women candidate from all three parties hoping to take part in the upcoming local elections and then use this platform for future contest for parliamentary and executive offices.


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