Friday, December 7, 2007

Our Own Mandela Still In Mandhera Prison

By Yusuf Deyr, Hargeysa

The Scottish come by their temperament honestly. If you lived in Scotland you would understand and notice some practical experience that we both share in common. A common factor that features our shilly – shally behaviour and too much suspicion. Not because of their offensive attitude, but because we both have some aching deep scars and hurting scratches of touches of history. The constant sweeping storm wind, the lack of sunshine, July is like January, centuries of being conquered, ignored, or having their Sovereignty tampered. The Scottish scowl is not meanness, but a defence. A firmly closed gate that easily opens when the unfriendly conditions allow it. Their climate and history taught them that. If they let down their guard for a minute. Marauders will invade or the elements of bad weather will sweep off into the ocean. Also raw after raw of concrete anti – tank – blockades left over from the Second World War is visible everywhere, as it is in here Somaliland. Their coast was one of the most expedient places for the Germans to launch an offensive against the allies. A no – go – zone during the Second World War. It is always a pleasure to provide the colonials with a sound thrashing. This was said without fan – fare, without expansion, and without reflection of any sort. Both we have scratches that are so deep and painful. But Mr. Rayale has a mental – lapse. Ignoring our torment due to our own Mandela in Mandera. It is time to speak out and no more of another twenty one years of slow – spinning – wheels of pain and torture. My predicament is funny but may be a chapter for a future book. One thing is clear. Patience is my strong suit in my divine revelation that passed on by tradition from one generation to another.

A Las – Anood woman has given a birth to twins with two different fathers of non – identical twins as their DNA testing shown. I was shocked at getting pregnant and even more surprised when doctors told me that my two sons have two different fathers. The woman told one of her intimate friends. I am a die – hard – fan for Somaliland’s Sovereignty but a cash – cow for a vampire that has no heart. After spying on myself for a decade, I have come to the conclusion that we don’t die because of the lack of sex; but we die because of the lack of love. I have been sleeping with a man who does not love me for eleven years; and disguising himself as a Buddhist Monk. He must be sued for defamation of character while I was always on call for every dirty diaper – change. But anyhow, no jury is going to rule in my favour. Because in Mr. Rayale’s Campus, justices is for sale. I have to plead guilty and throw myself on the defence – box. Guilty with an explanation for the record. I am not sure if the punishment fits the crime. But going to trail would only be courting further fiasconess. Because praying to Allah and a stiff armed salute is punishable as a hate crime under the International Law of the Mighty School of Mr. Meles and the Western World. As the American School is the only school that provides both, the bullet and the butter, as well as the books and the bombs at the same time. We must not sap their energy and spirit with backbiting and sniping. We must look with a positive attitude if we want to survive. Denying their negative attitude is a part of their heritage. My parents should have named me stupid the first time I dropped my head on this Wild World, the woman ended with her remarks.

Strategic thinkers of Mr. Rayale has a pilot – project of building the most sophisticated slaughter – house in the black continent at Berbera sea – port. The slaughter – house will cover an area of 178,0000 square kilometres with a capacity of facilitating three million sheep. An intoxicating Alfa Alfa and hay will be imported from the volcanic mountains of Djibouti, as a fodder for the dying sheep. Loud speakers with amplifiers and sensitive microphones, as well as video radar tapes will be installed on the Site. A Disco facility with the latest World Hits that will be run by a highly qualified DJs will be established. These DJs have a demanding talent to speak with animals and experts in the selection of the kind of music, the animals are fond of. The bottom line of the Project is to make an end to the old cruel method of slaughtering sheep. Their intention is to tempt animals to a painless death. The sheep will be tagged according to their district of originality. The sheep will only enjoy their constitutional rights of free sex and music before they are killed with automatic shooting – gun. The project will be funded from the Loss and Found box of the TOTAL Petroleum Company stationed in Djibouti. Citizens who don’t agree with this pilot – project are dolts, apathetic, and stupid. Said by Government mouthpiece Mr. Yusuf Talabo. Continued saying. We now live on a nervous moments hungry for pain. I am in no mood to give any one the benefit of the doubt. I have the power and the will to impose a judicial, social and Political – Fatwa in my own way. I am an American but not from the United States. Because when I went to School, America was a continent, not a country. Research shows that people create their good fortune as they go through life by conspiring and deceit as a stroke of genius. Whining floating and confusing lawsuits will get me sometime, somewhere. I am a child of privilege with a dual citizenship who carries in his pocket a tribal – pin – code and with a nationalistic medal gold. I am more Abdulla Hamud than to be a Rayale Kahin. I have learned how to stay positive through tough times. It is not your aptitude; it is your attitude that will give you altitude in life. I have mentored and inspired many, Mr. Talabo ended with his manifestation.

There is no doubt that the knob has been up lately. Free sex and music are the only constitutional rights that we are entitled to. All what they want is to see people eating bugs while they are held behind iron – bars. Simply because we don’t want their dirty looks. Too much love for your enemy can be hectic as well as risky. Mr. Rayale is watching the society disintegrating and destroying itself. Giving us empty promises and lying to us up to the teeth. They are lying to the whole World more than the tobacco industry. Watching us as a spectator of the merry – go – round. We are too much cynical to believe any change for the betterment. Our job is to be spectators and to say. Look at that over there. Look what they did. We are powerless in every sense while our country is burning and boiling. We don’t have much say in our own life. Any spark of hope for survival has already extinguished, and nobody knows where this country is heading to. The facts indicate that there is a wide underground network of conspiracy of cyborgs that would eventually take over the whole country; and we would be assimilated one by one.

According to a health report released in November instant by WHO. Somalilanders are more likely to commit suicide than dying from an armed conflict or homicide. There are stressful events of driving illegally our genuine heroes to detentions. Coupled with unlawful confinement of democracy and freedom of choice. Holding us at a gun – point; and we are stuffed in a supper – sized tool – box of a police – state. We are at risk from ourselves than from others. We are our own worst enemy. Our castles are threatened from the interior. Because our politicians are barking on the wrong tree. From no – wrong to no – right. You could get the reading from the public. We are stuck in a time warp, listening to the greatest Hits of Siyad Bare as a rehash of the past and painful ordeals of brain – damage. The masses are starving to death and yet are being blackmailed with trading – off with their constitutional rights in the name of security and peace. As a perfect blind – spot for the corruption and abuse of power of the State. It is an excellent pivot for our politicians who are interested in limiting our personal freedom of choice. We are sure for one thing. They are not willing to retire even at the mandatory – age. I can print that for sure right now. They are pushing us to the edge; and tenticing us to unrest and friction. They have to stay in power under any circumstances. Choking us and trashing us to death. The Government is an entity more dangerous than our enemy. Mistrust and doubts have coloured our lives.

Dumb guys with poor judgement and narrow vision says that politics is a complex, hectic, and a talent demanding job. But in reality, nothing is secret in politics. It is very simple if you listen to the masses who are rallying behind you. But Mr. Rayale has a respect to no one. Giving deaf ears to all walks of life. Religious clerics men, clan – chiefs, elderly men, dignified politicians, and amicable elites are all ignored and were disrespected by Mr. Rayale. When we speak the American language. China has an ailing communist Government with a terrible human rights record. But in reality, it is a sleeping giant; and if it wakes up. The Wild West will tremble. Soon or later the volcano Roman God of fire with it’s lava and burning steam will be activated. Before it gets too late; the Government must reshuffle it’s old cards as a good gesture and a new year’s resolution. Take my advice with a grain of salt. Lawyers and prosecutors said that there is no justification for anything less than a dead penalty for renewing your profanity – permit of corruption and abuse of power. A dead democracy where a self nominated traditional leaders of teen age orphans and over aged personalities who are in the second childhood, are dictating our destiny in their dirty hands without having our mandate. Keeps track of who gets married, who is vegetarian, and who is stirring up a storm in a tea – cup. Prescribing to us a dosage of a healing herb of Mr. Rayale; even-though all tests have proved more failure than success. Enough is enough and our ears are full of wax. Traditional Leaders, time out! Please go home and mind your own business.

Mr. Rayale, your Government has shamed itself in the eyes of the World. You must set free our own Mandela and his colleagues; and forget about your costly ransom.

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